Richland Library Company

    May 1788: twenty-four residents in the northern part of Bucks County met to establish a library in Richland Township.  The group formulated Proposals for Establishing a Library in the Township of Richland, Bucks County to be named the Richland Library.  On May 2, 1795 the members resolved that “a committee be appointed to Draw a plan of a Law for Incorporating the Library Company."    This was accomplished by December 1795, when the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania granted a charter to the Richland Library Company.  Since 1911 the Richland Library Company has had a permanent home at 44 South Main Street in Quakertown.  From 1788 until the 1970s, the Richland Library Company functioned as a general library.  Since 1993, we have focused on preserving items of genealogical and local interest.


    The Richland Library Company possesses a large collection of published genealogies, as well as family history manuscripts and genealogical notes.  A list of published family histories and genealogies can be found here.

Local History

    The Richland Library Company has many resources related to local history, which include:

- County Histories

- Local Histories

- Local Church Records & Histories

- Cemetery Records

- Tombstone Transcriptions

- Deed Collection

- Town Directories

- Local Business Ephemera

- Yearbooks

Our New Online Catalog


    The Richland Library Company maintains a collection of current and former periodicals that are related to local history, family history, and genealogical research.  A list of periodicals that we hold can be found here.  

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